Nausicaa Delfas, The Pensions Regulator (TPR)
Nausicaa Delfas
Chief Executive
The Pensions Regulator (TPR)

Before joining TPR, Nausicaa Delfas was Executive Director, Governance at the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Until October 2022, she was Chief Executive and Chief Ombudsman of the Financial Ombudsman Service (interim), clearing its backlogs and spearheading its strategic, operation and digital transformation; resetting the organisation for the future.

Before that, as Executive Director of International, she was responsible for the FCA’s international and Brexit strategy and delivery. She has also served as the FCA’s Chief Operating Officer and previously held senior roles at the FCA and FSA; including in Supervision. Enforcement, Risk and Policy, across retail and wholesale sectors.

She has led innovative and complex transformational initiatives, driving changes in regulation and culture. Before joining the FSA Nausicaa trained and qualified as a solicitor at City law firm Freshfields in London.